By browsing this page you will get introduced to different culture cuisine. Under every presented cook/company, you will find presented food/menu, available service, greetings from the cook as well as his/her contact details. Please reach out to each cook separately regarding placing the order and agree on other details.


If you are interested in joining network as a cook, please send us an email to culturalbusinesstraining@gmail.com. We will be in touch with you soon after to give you the joining guidance.


Cultural Business Training is highlighting selection of worldwide gastronomy available in Tampere region. Presented service will richen your everydaily experiences and/or special events in your life. We hope you enjoy the service, gain new gastronomy experiences, at the same time help us to highlight the local diversity and it’s potential.


Activity of CBT Cooks is done in cooperation with Tampere City Elintarvikevalvonta toimisto, this way it proves that activity and sales represented by cooks is legal (taxes payed, reports delivered, certification in order etc.)